Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Washington Dealmaker

Not always a bad thing.

I wonder if he yanks a copy of the Constitution out of his pocket and waves it in the faces of people. Because that's always effective.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Matt Collins Has Heard Of This Thing Called "The Constitution." Perhaps You Have Too.

How not to win friends and influence senators.


Do you think that it's nice to be represented by a United States Senator who actually thinks about what he is doing?

Do you think having a United States Senator who appeals to Republicans, Democrats and Independents is an asset?

Are you a Tennessee Republican who regrets that the once-somewhat-useful label of "RINO" now only means "a Republican who doesn't always agree with me"?

Are you a Tennessee Democrat who may not agree with Bob Corker or his party on many things, but at least recognizes that he's a pretty sharp guy?

Are you an independent who more or less approves of the job that Bob Corker is doing?

If you find yourself agreeing with or nodding along with any of the above, welcome to the club. This site will be dedicated to defending Senator Corker against the self-important folks out there--left, right and otherwise--who apparently have nothing better to do than go after a person who is arguably one of the best senators on Capitol Hill, especially in terms of policy knowledge and personal integrity.

Just to be clear: this is all me. No one connected to Senator Corker has asked me to do this. I don't even know anyone in Senator Corker's office, much less Senator Corker himself. I just get tired or people who have no idea what they;re doing getting in the way of people who do.